Roads in Wichelstowe

Current and planned traffic restrictions in Wichelstowe

The map below, from OpenStreetMap, shows the layout of streets and other features of Wichelstowe.

Most large housing developments are built in an order that ensures construction traffic is kept away from residential traffic — new residents use different streets from the builders.

Both ends of East Wichel Way are restricted by ‘bus gates’. This means that only buses and bicycles are allowed to use those parts of East Wichel Way and cameras are used from time to time to enforce that.

Eventually, Redposts Drive will also be restricted during peak periods to buses only, but for the moment remains open to all traffic throughout the day.

Mill Lane — between Old Town and Middle Wichel — will close from 26th April 2021 to vehicular traffic, at the point up the hill near Swindon Old Town where it passes under an old railway line. It will remain open for pedestrians and cyclists. This road closure is a requirement of the planning permission for Wichelstowe.

At the moment, Swindon Borough Council is building a bridge under the M4 motorway that once finished will provide a link to Hay Lane close to Junction 16 of the M4.

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This page updated Saturday, 10 April 2021. © most rights reserved. Contact us at .

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