Planning applications

Town planning applications for Middle & West Wichel since 2000

Middle and West Wichel are being built on the sites of West Leaze and Southleaze farms respectively.

This page lists in reverse chronological order all planning applications for Middle and West Wichel, with a link for each to Swindon Borough Council’s planning portal. Gaps in the ‘Decision’ column mean that a decision has not yet been recorded on the planning portal.

Plan referencePortal referenceAddressProposalDecisionIndex
S/AMEND/25/0097PP-13723182Parcel 7Dc & 9Dc Peglars Way Middle Wichel District Centre Swindon WichelstoweNon Material Amendment from previous application S/RES/22/1632 regarding bat boxes. 25/0097
S/ADV/24/1475PP-13644457Parcel 8B West Boulevard Middle Wichel District Centre Wichelstowe Swindon SN1 7EYDisplay of various illuminated signage including 1no Ground Mounted High Level Totem Sign, 5no Wall Mounted Fascia Signs and 1no Ground Mounted Directional Sign. 24/1475
S/COND/24/1301PP-13547627Parcel 7DC & 9DC Middle Wichel District Centre Wichelstowe SwindonDischarge of condition (7) Bird & Bat Boxes from previous application S/RES/22/1632 - Reserved Matters Application pursuant to S/13/1524 for the erection of retirement living apartments (C3) and assisted living apartments (C2) with associated communal facilities, car parking and landscaping.Conditions NOT discharged24/1301
S/COND/24/1199PP-13475563Parcel 7DC & 9DC Middle Wichel District Centre Wichelstowe SwindonDischarge of Condition (31) revised affordable housing from previous application S/13/1524 - Southern Town Expansion including up to 4500 dwellings, employment, commercial, shopping, schools, open space, park and ride, roads, sewers and associated works (Variation of extent of infrastructure, phasing and affordable housing, upon S/TIME/13/1521 by the Local Planning Authority, conditions 1, 62, 66 & 67, 73, 76 - 79, 82, 85, 88 - 90, 93 and 95 - 97).Conditions partially discharged24/1199
S/AMEND/24/1198PP-13475507Parcel 7DC & 9DC Middle Wichel District Centre Wichelstowe SwindonNon-Material Amendment from previous application (S/RES/22/1632) relating to change of description of development to remove the words "and assisted living apartments (C2)" update approved plans.Minor Amendment Approved24/1198
S/COND/24/1146PP-13455220Parcel 7DC & 9DC Middle Wichel District Centre Wichelstowe SwindonDischarge of Condition 24 (Habitable Rooms - Noise) from previous application S/13/1524 - Southern Town Expansion including up to 4500 dwellings, employment, commercial, shopping, schools, open space, park and ride, roads, sewers and associated works (Variation of extent of infrastructure, phasing and affordable housing, upon S/TIME/13/1521 by the Local Planning Authority, conditions 1, 62, 66 & 67, 73, 76 - 79, 82, 85, 88 -90, 93 and 95 - 97).Conditions partially discharged24/1146
S/COND/24/1121PP-13424356Wichelstowe Access Road Wichel Way SwindonDischarge of condition 2 (Speed Management) from previous application S/RES/20/0778 - Reserved matters application (appearance, access, landscaping, layout and scale) for the construction of Phase 2 (North) of the Wichelstowe Southern Access Road and associated ecology habitat provision south of the M4 motorway pursuant to outline planning permission S/13/1524 for Southern Town Expansion.Conditions discharged24/1121
S/DEM/24/0967 3 And 4 Southleaze Cottages Wichelstowe Swindon SN1 4NTPrior Approval application for the demolition of 3 and 4 Southleaze Cottages.Prior Approval not required24/0967
S/COND/24/0671PP-13142056Parcel 7DC & 9DC Middle Wichel District Centre Wichelstowe SwindonDischarge of condition 8 (Lighting) from previous application S/RES/22/1632 - Reserved Matters Application pursuant to S/13/1524 for the erection of retirement living apartments (C3) and assisted living apartments (C2) with associated communal facilities, car parking and landscaping.Conditions discharged24/0671
S/AMEND/24/0623PP-13115689Parcel 8B West Boulevard Middle Wichel District Centre Wichelstowe SwindonNon - Material Amendment to previously approved application S/RES/21/0188 - Replacement of proposed materials due to unsuitabilityApplication withdrawn24/0623
S/LBC/24/0608PP-129968341 Westleaze Mill Lane Swindon SN1 7NUDemolition of Cattery, erection of 3no dwellings, change of use of barn to 1no dwelling and ancillary including communal studio / gym space.Granted permission24/0608
S/24/0607PP-129968341 Westleaze Mill Lane Swindon SN1 7NUProposed demolition and redevelopment of Cattery site and conversion of modern barn to create 4 new dwellings and ancillary communal studio / gym spaceGranted permission24/0607
S/COND/24/0378PP-12934848Parcel 8B West Boulevard Middle Wichel District Centre Wichelstowe SwindonDischarge of condition 3 ( EV charging point) from previous application S/RES/21/0188 - Erection of a care home with 83no. bedrooms, associated communal accommodation, parking and landscaped gardens - Reserved Matters from previous permission S/13/1524.Conditions discharged24/0378
S/AMEND/24/0309PP-12895018Parcel 8B West Boulevard Middle Wichel District Centre Wichelstowe SwindonNon Material amendment to previous application (S/RES/21/0188) Replacement of proposed materials.Minor Amendment Approved24/0309
S/COND/24/0246PP-12848052Parcel 7DC & 9DC Middle Wichel District Centre Wichelstowe SwindonDischarge of Condition 8 (lighting) from previous application S/RES/22/1632 - Reserved Matters Application pursuant to S/13/1524 for the erection of retirement living apartments (C3) and assisted living apartments (C2) with associated communal facilities, car parking and landscaping.Conditions NOT discharged24/0246
S/24/0195/MOD106Wichelstowe Development Area Southern Town Development Swindon SwindonVariation of Legal Agreement: Request for agreement to change Appendix 7 (Multifunctional Community Facilities Specification), and clarification of clause 3.25a of Schedule 1 (Developer Obligations) in relation to S/13/1524 dated 1st April 2019. 24/0195
S/COND/24/0155PP-12789215Parcel 7DC & 9D Peglars Way Middle Wichel District Centre Wichelstowe SwindonDischarge of condition 6 (Car Park Management Plan) from previous application - Reserved Matters Application pursuant to S/13/1524 for the erection of retirement living apartments (C3) and assisted living apartments (C2) with associated communal facilities, car parking and landscaping.Conditions discharged24/0155
S/RES/24/0141PP-12738293Land North Of Wichel Way Wichestowe SwindonDetails of the layout, scale, appearance, landscaping and access in relation to strategic landscaping within the Orchards, Wichelstowe in accordance with Condition 4 of the outline planning consent (S/13/1524/SAC). An environmental statement was submitted to support the application. 24/0141
S/RES/24/0124PP-12753290Wichelstowe District Centre - Canalside East SwindonReserved Matters application (following planning application S/13/1524/SAC) for Wichelstowe District Centre - Canalside East Alternative. Details of the layout, scale, appearance, landscaping and access in relation to mixed-use development at Canalside East within Wichelstowe District Centre, Wichelstowe in accordance with Condition 4 of the outline planning consent (S/13/1524/SAC). 24/0124
S/COND/24/0123PP-12725547Wichelstowe Development Area Southern Town Development Swindon SwindonDischarge of Condition 15 (Foul Drainage) and Condition 16 (Surface Water Drainage) from previous approval S/13/1524 -Southern Town Expansion including up to 4500 dwellings, employment, commercial, shopping, schools, open space, park and ride, roads, sewers and associated works (Variation of extent of infrastructure, phasing and affordable housing, upon S/TIME/13/1521 by the Local Planning Authority, conditions 1, 62, 66 & 67, 73, 76 - 79, 82, 85, 88 - 90, 93 and 95 - 97). 24/0123
S/RES/24/0122PP-12725544Wichelstowe District Centre - Canalside West SwindonReserved Matters Application (following planning application (S/13/1524/SAC)) for Wichelstowe District Centre - Canalside West. Details of the layout, scale, appearance, landscaping and access in relation to mixed-use development at Canalside West within Wichelstowe District Centre, Wichelstowe in accordance with Condition 4 of the outline planning consent (S/13/1524/SAC).Reserved Matters approved24/0122
S/COND/24/0121PP-12725542Wichelstowe Development Area Southern Town Development Swindon SwindonDischarge of Condition 15 (Foul Drainage) Condition 16 (Surface Water Drainage) from previous approval S/13/1524 -Southern Town Expansion including up to 4500 dwellings, employment, commercial, shopping, schools, open space, park and ride, roads, sewers and associated works (Variation of extent of infrastructure, phasing and affordable housing, upon S/TIME/13/1521 by the Local Planning Authority, conditions 1, 62, 66 & 67, 73, 76 - 79, 82, 85, 88 - 90, 93 and 95 - 97).Conditions partially discharged24/0121
S/RES/24/0120PP-12725531Wichelstowe District Centre Canalside East Land West Of Mill Lane WichelstoweDetails of the layout, scale, appearance, landscaping and access in relation to mixed-use development for 14no residential units, a gym and cafe in accordance with Condition 4 of the outline planning consent (S/13/1524/SAC). An environmental statement was submitted to support the application.Reserved Matters approved24/0120
S/COND/24/0059PP-12725437Wichelstowe Development Area Southern Town Development Swindon SwindonDischarge of conditions 9 (Existing Vegetation Protection) 15 & 16 (Foul and Surface Water Drainage) 31 (Affordable Housing) 35 (Construction Management Plan) From previous approval S/13/1524 - Southern Town Expansion including up to 4500 dwellings, employment, commercial, shopping, schools, open space, park and ride, roads, sewers and associated works (Variation of extent of infrastructure, phasing and affordable housing, upon S/TIME/13/1521 by the Local Planning Authority, conditions 1, 62, 66 & 67, 73, 76 - 79, 82, 85, 88 - 90, 93 and 95 - 97).Conditions partially discharged24/0059
S/RES/24/0058PP-12725432Wichelstowe Residential Parcel 13 Land West Of Mill Lane Canalside South WichelstoweDetails of the layout, scale, appearance, landscaping and access in relation to residential Parcel 13 for 207no residential units in accordance with Condition 4 of the outline planning consent (S/13/1524/SAC). An environmental statement was submitted to support the application.Reserved Matters approved24/0058
S/HOU/23/1582PP-126556723 Prunus Walk Swindon SN1 7ETErection of a conservatory to rear.Granted permission23/1582
S/RES/23/1577PP-12689233Land To The East Of Scott Way Roundabout Wichelstowe Development Area Southern Town Development SwindonDetails of the layout, scale, appearance, landscaping and access in relation to Wichel Way (H10) within the Orchards, Wichelstowe in accordance with Condition 4 of the outline planning consent (S/13/1524/SAC). An environmental statement was submitted to support the application. 23/1577
S/COND/23/1576PP-12689229Land East Of Scott Way Roundabout WichelstoweDischarge of conditions 9 (Existing Vegetation Protection), 15 (Foul Water Drainage Strategy), 16 (Surface Water Drainage Strategy) and 35 (Construction Management Plan) from previous permission S/13/1524. 23/1576
S/COND/23/1574PP-12686900Wichelstowe Development Area Southern Town Development SwindonDischarge of Condition 9 (Existing Vegetation Protection) Condition 15 (Foul Drainage) Condition 16 (Surface Water Drainage) Condition 31 (Affordable Housing) Condition 35 (Construction Management Plan) from Planning Approval S/13/1524 - Southern Town Expansion including up to 4500 dwellings, employment, commercial, shopping, schools, open space, park and ride, roads, sewers and associated works (Variation of extent of infrastructure, phasing and affordable housing, upon S/TIME/13/1521 by the Local Planning Authority, conditions 1, 62, 66 & 67, 73, 76 - 79, 82, 85, 88 - 90, 93 and 95 - 97).Conditions partially discharged23/1574
S/RES/23/1573PP-12686842Parcel 11 Land East Of Scott Way Wichelstowe SwindonReserved Matters application for details of the layout, scale, appearance, landscaping and access in relation to residential Parcel 11 within the Orchards, Wichelstowe in accordance with Condition 4 of the outline planning consent (S/13/1524/SAC). An environmental statement was submitted to support the application.Reserved Matters approved23/1573
S/COND/23/1531PP-12646834Land South Of Wichel Way And East Of Mill Lane Wichelstowe SwindonDischarge of conditions 9 (Existing Vegetation Protection), 15 and 16 (Foul and Surface Water Drainage), 31 (Affordable Housing) and 35 (Construction Management Plan) from previous permission S/13/1524.Conditions partially discharged23/1531
S/RES/23/1530PP-12646689Land South Of Wichel Way And East Of Mill Lane WichelstoweWichelstowe Residential Parcel 12 Details of the layout, scale, appearance, landscaping and access in relation to residential Parcel 12 within Wichel Fields, Wichelstowe in accordance with Condition 4 of the outline planning consent (S/13/1524/SAC). An environmental statement was submitted to support the application.Reserved Matters approved23/1530
S/AMEND/23/1267PP-12511680Parcel 7DC & 9DC Middle Wichel District Centre Wichelstowe SwindonNon-Material Amendment following reserved matters application S/RES/22/1632 for the erection of retirement living apartments (C3) and assisted living apartments (C2) with associated communal facilities, car parking and landscaping.Minor Amendment Approved23/1267
S/COND/23/1187PP-12478087Wichelstowe SwindonDischarge of Condition 8 (a) from Planning Permission S/22/1507 - Erection of 3 temporary (up to 5 years) storage containers and a small slipway into the canal.Conditions partially discharged23/1187
S/COND/23/1150PP-12455001Parcel 7DC & 9DC Middle Wichel District Centre Wichelstowe SwindonDischarge of conditions 2 (External Materials) and 3 (Walls and Hard Landscaping) from previous permission S/RES/22/1632.Conditions discharged23/1150
S/COND/23/0922PP-12311679West Wichel Wichelstowe SwindonDischarge of conditions 9 (Existing Vegetation Protection), 16 (Surface Water Drainage) and 35 (Construction Management Plan) from previous permission S/13/1524.Conditions partially discharged23/0922
S/RES/23/0921PP-12311629Wichelstowe Development Area Southern Town Development Swindon SwindonReserved Matters appplication (following outline planning permission S/13/1524 - condition 4) relating to access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of the West Wichel noise bund.Reserved Matters approved23/0921
S/COND/23/0886PP-12291819Land West Of Mill Lane SwindonDischarge of Condition 36 (Rights of Way Method Statement) from previous permission S/13/1524.Conditions partially discharged23/0886
S/AMEND/23/0884PP-12279132Parcel 9, West Wichel, Wichelstowe, SwindonNon material admendment to previous permission S/RES/22/0837 regarding the erection of 181no. dwellings and associated works - Reserved Matters from previous permission S/13/1524.Minor Amendment Approved23/0884
S/COND/23/0657PP-12174031Wichelstowe Development Area Southern Town Development SwindonDischarge of Conditions 15 (Foul Drainage) and 16 (Surface Water Drainage) from Planning Permission S/13/1524 - Southern Town Expansion including up to 4500 dwellings, employment, commercial, shopping, schools, open space, park and ride, roads, sewers and associated works (Variation of extent of infrastructure, phasing and affordable housing, upon S/TIME/13/1521 by the Local Planning Authority, conditions 1, 62, 66 & 67, 73, 76 - 79, 82, 85, 88 - 90, 93 and 95 - 97).Conditions discharged23/0657
S/AMEND/23/0526PP-12124533Parcel 8B West Boulevard Middle Wichel District Centre Wichelstowe SwindonNon-Material Amendment following Reserved Matters Planning Permission S/RES/21/0188 - Relating to materials.Minor Amendment Approved23/0526
S/COND/23/0426PP-12047886Land West Of South Leaze Farm WichelstoweDischarge of Condition 11 (Building Demolition, Tree Felling & Bat Survey) from previous permission S/13/1524.Conditions partially discharged23/0426
S/ADV/23/0404PP-12043812Scott Way, Redpost Drive, Foxham Way, Mill Lane Roundabout And Facing The M4 And Railway Line WichelstoweInstallation of 8no marketing signs.Granted permission23/0404
S/COND/23/0295PP-11980966Canalside South Middle Wichel WichelstoweDischarge of conditions 5 (Sub-Sections) and 6 (Design Codes) from previous permission S/13/1524.Conditions partially discharged23/0295
S/COND/22/1744PP-11737669Parcel 7DC & 9DC Middle Wichel District Centre Wichelstowe SwindonDischarge of condition 31 (Affordable Housing) from Planning Permission S/13/1524Conditions discharged22/1744
S/COND/22/1705PP-11712768Parcel 7DC & 9DC Middle Wichel District Centre Wichelstowe SwindonDischarge of condition 35 (Construction Management) from Planning Permission S/13/1524 in so far as it relates to parcels 7DC and 9DC.Conditions discharged22/1705
S/COND/22/1700PP-11712625Parcel 7DC & 9DC Middle Wichel District Centre Wichelstowe SwindonDischarge of condition 22 (Archaeology) from Planning Permission S/13/1524 in so far as it relates to parcels 7DC and 9DC.Conditions discharged22/1700
S/COND/22/1699PP-11712531Parcel 7DC & 9DC Middle Wichel District Centre Wichelstowe SwindonDischarge of conditions 17 and 18 (ground contamination) from Planning Permission S/13/1524.Conditions discharged22/1699
S/RES/22/1632PP-11583913Parcel 7DC & 9DC Middle Wichel District Centre Wichelstowe SwindonReserved Matters Application pursuant to S/13/1524 for the erection of retirement living apartments (C3) and assisted living apartments (C2) with associated communal facilities, car parking and landscaping.Reserved Matters approved22/1632
S/COND/22/1534PP-11511776Wichelstowe Development Area Southern Town Development SwindonDischarge of condition 9 (Existing Vegetation Protection) condition 13 (Hydrological Method Statement) and condition 35 (Construction Management Plan) from Planning Permission S/13/1524 - Southern Town Expansion (Wichelstowe) in so far as it relates to Wichelstowe earthworks.Conditions partially discharged22/1534
S/COND/22/1523PP-11511936Wichelstowe Development Area Southern Town Development Swindon SwindonDischarge of conditions 9 (Existing Vegetation Protection) and 35 (Construction Management Plan) from previous permission S/13/1524.Conditions discharged22/1523
S/RES/22/1522PP-11511893Wichelstowe Earthworks Land East And West Of Mill Lane Wichelstowe SwindonReserved Matters Application for Wichelstowe Earthworks Details of the layout, scale and appearance in relation to the Wichelstowe Earthworks in accordance with Condition 4 of the outline planning consent (S/13/1524/SAC), which was accompanied by an Environmental Statement.Reserved Matters approved22/1522
S/RES/22/1521PP-11511735Canal Middle Wichel Wichelstowe SwindonReserved Matters Application for Wichelstowe Middle Wichel Canal Details of the layout, scale, appearance, landscaping and access in relation to the Middle Wichel Canal within Wichelstowe in accordance with Condition 4 of the outline planning consent (S/13/1524/SAC), which was accompanied by an Environmental Statement.Reserved Matters approved22/1521
S/22/1507PP-11603330Wichelstowe Development Area Southern Town Development Swindon SwindonErection of 3 temporary (up to 5 years) storage containers and a small slipway into the canal.Granted permission22/1507
S/COND/22/1438PP-11511845Middle To West Wichel Bus Bridge Wichelstowe SwindonDischarge of conditions 16 (Drainage), 9 (Existing Vegetation Protection) and 35 (Construction Management Plan) following outline permission S/13/1524.Conditions discharged22/1438
S/RES/22/1437PP-11511804Bus Bridge Middle Wichel Wichelstowe SwindonReserved Matters Application for Wichelstowe Middle to West Wichel Bus Bridge Details of the layout, scale, appearance, landscaping and access from Outline Planning Permission S/OUT/13/1524/SAC, which was accompanied by an Environmental Statement.Reserved Matters approved22/1437
S/COND/22/1344PP-11507659Scott Way Roundabout West Wichel WichelstoweDischarge of Condition 9 (Existing Vegetation Protection), Condition 15 (RM -Foul Water Drainage Strategy), Condition 16 (RM - Surface Water Drainage Strategy) and Condition 35 (Construction Management Plan) from Planning Permission S/13/1524 in so far as it relates to the Scott Way RoundaboutConditions discharged22/1344
S/RES/22/1343PP-11507619Scott Way Roundabout Wichelstowe SwindonReserved matters application for details of the layout, scale, appearance, landscaping and access in relation to Scott Way roundabout in accordance with Condition 4 of the outline planning consent (S/13/1524/SAC).Reserved Matters approved22/1343
S/RES/22/1152PP-11391870Parcel 10, Middle Wichel, Wichelstowe, SwindonReserved Matters for 113no. dwellings details of the layout, scale, appearance, landscaping and access in relation to outline planning permission S/13/1524.Reserved Matters approved22/1152
S/COND/22/1149PP-11391968Parcel 10 Middle Wichel Wichelstowe SwindonPartial Discharge of Condition 9 (Existing Vegetation Protection), Condition 15 (Foul Drainage), Condition 16 (Surface Water Drainage), Condition 31 (Affordable Housing) and Condition 35 (Construction Management Plan) from Planning Permission S/13/1524 (Parcel 10)Conditions discharged22/1149
S/COND/22/1053PP-11364953Parcel 8 Middle Wichel Wichelstowe SwindonPartial discharge of conditions 9 (Existing Vegetation Protection), 15 (Foul Drainage), 16 (Surface Water Drainage), 31 (Affordable Housing) and 35 (Construction Management Plan) from previous permission S/13/1524.Conditions discharged22/1053
S/RES/22/1052PP-11364854Parcel 8 Middle Wichel Wichelstowe SwindonErection of 138no. dwellings and associated works - Reserved Matters from previous outline permission S/13/1524.Reserved Matters approved22/1052
S/RES/22/0900PP-11300738Land East Of Scott Way (Parcel 7) Wichelstowe SwindonErection of 184no. dwellings and associated works - Reserved Matters from previous permission S/13/1524.Reserved Matters approved22/0900
S/COND/22/0899PP-11303955Blackhorse Way Wichelstowe SwindonDischarge of conditions 9 (Existing Vegetation Protection), 15 (Foul Drainage), 16 (Surface Water Drainage), 31 (Affordable Housing) and 35 (Construction Management Plan) in relation to Parcel 7 from previous permission S/13/1524.Conditions partially discharged22/0899
S/COND/22/0866PP-11299245Land Surrounding Junction Between Blackhorse Way And Foxham Way Wichelstowe SwindonDischarge of conditions 15 (Foul Water) and 16 (Surface Water) from previous permission S/13/1524 in so far as it relates to land surrounding Junction Between Blackhorse Way And Foxham Way.Conditions discharged22/0866
S/RES/22/0865PP-11299129Land Surrounding The Junction Of Blackhorse Way And Foxham Way Wichelstowe SwindonConstruction of Blackhorse Way junction improvements - Reserved Matters from previous permission S/13/1524/SAC.Reserved Matters approved22/0865
S/RES/22/0837PP-11289076Land West Of Scott Way (Parcel 9) Wichelstowe SwindonErection of 181no. dwellings and associated works - Reserved Matters from previous permission S/13/1524.Reserved Matters approved22/0837
S/COND/22/0835PP-11289799Wichelstowe Development Area Southern Town Development Swindon SwindonDischarge of conditions 9 (Existing Vegetation Protection), 15, 16 (Foul and Surface Water Drainage), 31 (Affordable Housing) and 35 (Construction Management Plan) from Outline Planning Permission S/13/1524) - Southern Town Expansion including up to 4500 dwellings, employment, commercial, shopping, schools, open space, park and ride, roads, sewers and associated works (Variation of extent of infrastructure, phasing and affordable housing, upon S/TIME/13/1521 by the Local Planning Authority, conditions 1, 62, 66 & 67, 73, 76 - 79, 82, 85, 88 - 90, 93 and 95 - 97).Conditions discharged22/0835
S/RES/22/0807PP-11272880Roundabout Mill Lane Wichelstowe SwindonInstallation of public art on Mill Lane roundabout - Reserved Matters from previous permission S/13/1524.Reserved Matters approved22/0807
S/22/0767/MOD106Plot 8B Middle Wichel District Centre Wichelstowe SwindonDischarge of the S106 planning obligation (care home) agreed in connection with the planning permission S/02/2000 dated 19.05.2005.Application withdrawn22/0767
S/COND/22/0528PP-11166215Land Adjacent To 1 Westleaze Farm Cottages Mill Lane Swindon SN1 4HGDischarge of condition 17 (Education Resource Pack) from previous permission S/20/1153.Conditions discharged22/0528
S/COND/22/0164PP-10568663Parcel 4 The Orchards Wichelstowe SwindonDischarge of conditions 2 and 3 from Reserved Matters application S/RES/21/0007 - Erection of 188 no. dwellings and associated works - Reserved Matters from previous permission S/13/1524.Conditions discharged22/0164
S/COND/21/2005PP-10498878Scott Way West Wichel Wichelstowe SwindonDischarge of conditions 9 (Existing Vegetation Protection), 15 (Foul water Drainage Strategy) and 16 (Surface Water Drainage Strategy) from previous permission S/13/1524.Conditions discharged21/2005
S/RES/21/2004PP-10489656Scott Way West Wichel Wichelstowe SwindonReserved Matters from previous permission S/13/1524 regarding details of the layout, scale, appearance, landscaping and access in relation to the extension of Scott Way within the Orchards, Wichelstowe in accordance with Condition 4 of outline permission S/13/1524.Reserved Matters approved21/2004
S/COND/21/1707PP-10326661Land South Of Scott Way Wichelstowe Development Area Southern Town Development Swindon SwindonDischarge of condition 18 (Ground Contamination) following planning permission S/13/1524 for Southern Town Expansion including up to 4500 dwellings, employment, commercial, shopping, schools, open space, park and ride, roads, sewers and associated works (Variation of extent of infrastructure, phasing and affordable housing, upon S/TIME/13/1521 by the Local Planning Authority, conditions 1, 62, 66 & 67, 73, 76 - 79, 82, 85, 88 - 90, 93 and 95 - 97).Conditions discharged21/1707
S/AMEND/21/1592PP-10265659Waitrose District Centre Middle Wichel Wichelstowe Swindon WiltshireNon Material Amendment to previously approved Reserved Matters application S/RES/13/0485 - relating to amendments to car parking.Minor Amendment approved21/1592
S/LDP/21/1347PP-1011739514 Semington Strand Wichelstowe Swindon SN1 7DJCertificate of lawfulness (Proposed) for the erection of a single storey rear extension.Granted permission21/1347
S/COND/21/1285PP-10070995Land South Of Foxham Way Wichelstowe SwindonDischarge of condition 35 (Noise Bund Construction Management Plan) from previous permission S/13/1524.Conditions discharged21/1285
S/COND/21/1210PP-10012244Land South Of Scott Way Wichelstowe SwindonDischarge of condition 18 (Ground Contamination) from previous permission S/13/1524 for Southern Town Expansion including up to 4500 dwellings, employment, commercial, shopping, schools, open space, park and ride, roads, sewers and associated worksConditions partially discharged21/1210
S/AMEND/21/1192PP-10015830Land South Of Foxham Way And East Of Mill Lane Wichelstowe SwindonNon-material amendment to previous permission S/RES/21/0006 regarding the temporary sales area plan.Minor Amendment approved21/1192
S/COND/21/1191/PP-10012165Land South Of Scott Way Wichelstowe SwindonDischarge of condition 18 (Ground Contamination) from previous permission S/13/1524.Conditions Partially Discharged21/1191
S/COND/21/0803PP-09735157Land South Of Foxham Way Wichelstowe SwindonDischarge of conditions 9 (Existing Vegetation Protection) and 16 (Surface Water Drainage Strategy) from previous outline permission S/13/1524.Conditions discharged21/0803
S/RES/21/0802PP-09735082Land South Of Foxham Way Wichelstowe SwindonConstruction of Middle Wichel Noise Bund - Reserved Matters from previous outline permission S/13/1524.Reserved Matters approved21/0802
S/COND/21/0638PP-09676189Wichelstowe Development Area Southern Town Development SwindonDischarge of conditions 8, 9, 11, 16 and 35 from Planning Permission S/13/1524 - Southern Town Expansion including up to 4500 dwellings, employment, commercial, shopping, schools, open space, park and ride, roads, sewers and associated works (Variation of extent of infrastructure, phasing and affordable housing, upon S/TIME/13/1521 by the Local Planning Authority, conditions 1, 62, 66 & 67, 73, 76 - 79, 82, 85, 88 - 90, 93 and 95 - 97).Conditions discharged21/0638
S/AMEND/21/0568PP-09619247Mill Lane Wichelstowe SwindonNon-material amendment to previous permission S/13/1524 regarding a replacement of an approved plan listed under Condition 2 of the original outline permission relating to the closure of Mill Lane.Minor Amendment approved21/0568
S/COND/21/0487PP-09618587Parcel 4, The Orchards, West Wichel, Wichelstowe, SwindonDischarge of conditions 15 (Foul Water Drainage Strategy) and 16 (Surface Water Drainage Strategy) from previous permission S/13/1524.Conditions discharged21/0487
S/COND/21/0425PP-09590231Wichelstowe Development Area Southern Town Development Swindon SwindonDischarge of conditions 9, 15 and 16 from Planning Permission S/13/1524 - Southern Town Expansion including up to 4500 dwellings, employment, commercial, shopping, schools, open space, park and ride, roads, sewers and associated works (Variation of extent of infrastructure, phasing and affordable housing, upon S/TIME/13/1521 by the Local Planning Authority, conditions 1, 62, 66 & 67, 73, 76 - 79, 82, 85, 88 - 90, 93 and 95 - 97).Conditions discharged21/0425
S/RES/21/0424PP-09590037Land North & South Of Scott Way Parcel 4 The Orchards Wichelstowe SwindonProvision of landscaping - Reserved Matters from previous outline permission S/13/1524.Reserved Matters approved21/0424
S/COND/21/0286Land Adjacent To 1 Westleaze Farm Cottages Mill Lane Swindon SN1 4HGDischarge of conditions following planning permission S/20/1153 for the erection of 1 no. dwelling, detached garden room and associated works.Conditions discharged21/0286
S/COND/21/0277PP-09452226Land South Of Scott Way Wichelstowe SwindonDischarge of conditions 15 (Foul Water Drainage Strategy) and 16 (Surface Water Drainage Strategy) from previous permission S/13/1524.Conditions discharged21/0277
S/COND/21/0189PP-09388016Parcel 8B West Boulevard Middle Wichel District Centre Wichelstowe SwindonDischarge of conditions 15 (Foul Water Drainage Strategy) and 16 (Surface Water Drainage Strategy) from previous permission S/13/1524.Conditions discharged21/0189
S/RES/21/0188PP-09345309Parcel 8B West Boulevard Middle Wichel District Centre Wichelstowe SwindonErection of a care home with 83no. bedrooms, associated communal accommodation, parking and landscaped gardens - Reserved Matters from previous permission S/13/1524.Reserved Matters approved21/0188
S/COND/21/0011PP-09352012Parcel 6 The Orchards Wichelstowe SwindonDischarge of condition 9 (Existing Vegetation Protection), 31 (Affordable Housing) and 35 (Construction Management Plan) from previous permission S/13/1524.Conditions discharged21/0011
S/COND/21/0010PP-09351998Parcel 5 Wichel Fields Wichelstowe SwindonDischarge of condition 9 (Existing Vegetation Protection), 15 (Foul Water Drainage Strategy), 16 (Surface Water Strategy), 31 (Affordable Housing) and 35 (Construction Management Plan) from previous permission S/13/1524.Conditions discharged21/0010
S/COND/21/0009PP-09351992Parcel 4 The Orchards Wichelstowe SwindonDischarge of condition 9 (Existing Vegetation Protection), 31 (Affordable Housing) and 35 (Construction Management Plan) from previous permission S/13/1524.Conditions discharged21/0009
S/RES/21/0008PP-09351973Parcel 6 The Orchards Wichelstowe SwindonErection of 106no. dwellings and associated works - Reserved Matters from previous permission S/13/1524.Reserved Matters approved21/0008
S/RES/21/0007PP-09351956Parcel 4 The Orchards Wichelstowe SwindonErection of 188 no. dwellings and associated works - Reserved Matters from previous permission S/13/1524.Reserved Matters approved21/0007
S/RES/21/0006PP-09351943Parcel 5 Wichel Fields Wichelstowe SwindonErection of 182no. dwellings and associated works - Reserved Matters from previous permission S/13/1524.Reserved Matters approved21/0006
S/RES/20/1689PP-09317472Noise Bund Wichelstowe Southern Access Wichelstowe SwindonConstruction of an acoustic bund north of the M4 - Reserved Matters from previous permission S/13/1524.Reserved Matters approved20/1689
S/20/1595PP-09327120Wharf Road Connection Wichelstowe Southern Access Road Wichelstowe SwindonConstruction of a canal culvert under the proposed Wharf Road connection to the Wichelstowe Southern Access to facilitate the extension of the Wiltshire and Berkshire Canal.Granted permission20/1595
S/20/1153Land Adjacent To 1 Westleaze Farm Cottages Mill Lane Swindon SN1 4HGErection of 1 no. dwelling, detached garden room and associated works.Granted permission20/1153
S/RES/20/0997PP-08927918Wichelstowe Development Area Southern Town Development SwindonReserved matters from previous outline planning permission S/13/1524 for landscaping to include associated ecology habitat provision on land south of the M4 motorway.Reserved Matters approved20/0997
S/COND/20/0880PP-08625873Wichelstowe Development Area Southern Town Development Swindon SwindonDischarge of conditions 6 (Design Codes) and 36 (Rights of Way Method Statement) pursuant to planning permission S/13/1524 for the Southern Town Expansion (Wichelstowe)Conditions discharged20/0880
S/COND/20/0862PP-08870380Wichelstowe Development Area Southern Town Development Swindon SwindonDischarge of condition 3 (road construction) and 8 (Green infrastructure ecology statement) in so far as it relates to the southern access from Planning Permission S/13/1524 - Southern Town ExpansionConditions discharged20/0862
S/COND/20/0811PP-08847753Wichelstowe Development Area Southern Town Development Swindon SwindonDischarge of conditions 9 (trees/vegetation removal), 11 (bat survey), 15 (foul drainage), 16 (surface water drainage) and 36 (rights of way method statement) from Planning Permission S/13/1524 in so far as they relate to the southern access at Wichelstowe. 20/0811
S/RES/20/0778PP-08831016Wichelstowe Development Area Southern Town Development SwindonReserved matters application (appearance, access, landscaping, layout and scale) for the construction of Phase 2 (North) of the Wichelstowe Southern Access Road and associated ecology habitat provision south of the M4 motorway pursuant to outline planning permission S/13/1524 for Southern Town Expansion.Reserved Matters approved20/0778
S/COND/20/0664PP-08777514Wichelstowe Development Area Southern Town Development Swindon SwindonDischarge of condition 35 (Construction Management Plan) following planning permission S/13/1524 for Southern Town Expansion including up to 4500 dwellings, employment, commercial, shopping, schools, open space, park and ride, roads, sewers and associated works (Variation of extent of infrastructure, phasing and affordable housing, upon S/TIME/13/1521 by the Local Planning Authority, conditions 1, 62, 66 & 67, 73, 76 - 79, 82, 85, 88 - 90, 93 and 95 – 97).Conditions discharged20/0664
S/COND/20/0568PP-086725732 Westleaze Mill Lane Swindon SN1 7NUDischarge of conditions 3 (Window Specification), 4 (Repair Details), 5 (Staircase Details), 6 (Door Specification), 7 (Roof Material) and 8 (Rooflights) from previous consent S/LBC/15/1495. 20/0568
S/COND/20/0504PP-086725732 Westleaze Mill Lane Swindon SN1 7NUDischarge of conditions 3 (Roof Material), 4 (Rooflights), 5 (Door Specification) & 6 (Window Specification) from previous permission S/15/0550.Conditions discharged20/0504
S/COND/20/0436PP-08625859Wichelstowe Development Area Southern Town Development Swindon SwindonDischarge of conditions 5 (sub sections) and 6 (design codes) following planning permission S/13/1524.Conditions discharged20/0436
S/COND/20/0411PP-08614940Land North Of Foxham Way And East Of Peglars Way Wichelstowe SwindonDischarge of condition 3 (Electric Car Charging Points) from previous permission S/RES/18/1846.Conditions discharged20/0411
S/COND/20/0410PP-08614906Land South Of Waitrose Store Mill Lane Wichelstowe SwindonDischarge of condition 4 (Electric Car Charging Points) from previous permission S/RES/18/1844.Conditions discharged20/0410
S/ADV/20/0406PP-08582366Kingfisher CE Academy Peglars Way Wichelstowe Swindon SN1 7DADisplay of 6no. non-illuminated signs.Granted permission20/0406
S/COND/19/1705PP-08300429Wichelstowe Pocket Square Middle Wichel Wichelstowe SwindonDischarge of condition No. 2 (Public Art) from previous planning application S/RES/19/0500.Conditions discharged19/1705
S/19/1661Land Adjacent To 1 Westleaze Farm Cottages Mill Lane Swindon SN1 4HGErection of 1 no. dwelling, detached garden room and associated works.Permission refused19/1661
S/COND/19/1360PP-08144109Southern Access Wichelstowe SwindonDischarge of condition 35 (Construction Management Plan) from previous permission S/13/1524.Conditions discharged19/1360
S/COND/19/1318PP-08118182Land South Of Waitrose Store Mill Lane Wichelstowe SwindonDischarge of condition 3 (Traffic Calming) from previous permission S/RES/18/1844.Conditions discharged19/1318
S/COND/19/1276PP-08068455Middle Wichel Primary School Middle Wichel Wichelstowe SwindonDischarge of conditions 17 (Localised Ground Contamination) & 18 (Ground Contamination) from previous permission S/13/1524.Conditions discharged19/1276
S/COND/19/1248PP-08087857Southern Access Wichelstowe SwindonDischarge of condition 22 (Program of Archaeological Investigation) from previous permission S/13/1524.Conditions Partially Discharged19/1248
S/COND/19/1246PP-08087988Southern Access SwindonDischarge of condition 9 (Existing Vegetation Protection), 11 (Building Demolition, Tree Felling and Bat Survey) and 38 (Tunnel Construction Consultation) from previous permission S/13/1524.Conditions discharged19/1246
S/AMEND/19/1058PP-07993563Parcel 1 Middle Wichel Mill Lane Wichelstowe SwindonNon-material amendment to previous permission S/RES/18/1844 concerning the internal layout of three housetypes.Minor Amendment approved19/1058
S/COND/19/1057PP-07993363Parcels 2 & 3 Middle Wichel Wichelstowe SwindonDischarge of condition 2 (Brick Sample) from previous permission S/RES/18/1846 and S/13/1524.Conditions discharged19/1057
S/COND/19/1056PP-07993461Parcel 1 Middle Wichel Mill Lane Wichelstowe SwindonDischarge of condition 6 (Materials Samples) from previous permission S/RES/18/1844 and S/13/1524.Conditions discharged19/1056
S/COND/19/0939PP-07940068South Of Parcel 1 Middle Wichel Wichelstowe SwindonDischarge of conditions 13 (Hydrological Method Statement), 15 (Foul Water Drainage Strategy) and 16 (Surface Water Drainage Strategy) from Planning Permission S/13/1524.Conditions discharged19/0939
S/RES/19/0938PP-07906401South Of Parcel 1 Middle Wichel Swindon SwindonPhase one of the Croft Road to Hay Lane link highway and canal infrastructure following outline planning application S/13/1524.Reserved Matters approved19/0938
S/RES/19/0535PP-07731381Substation Plot 8 Wichelstowe District Centre Middle Wichel Wichelstowe SwindonReserved matters application for the erection of a substation located on Parcel 8A following outline planning approval S/OUT/13/1524.Reserved Matters approved19/0535
S/COND/19/0501PP-07732453Wichelstowe Development Area Southern Town Development SwindonDischarge of condition 16 (Surface Water Drainage) - from S/13/1524.Conditions discharged19/0501
S/RES/19/0500PP-07732372Wichelstowe District Centre Middle Wichel Wichelstowe SwindonReserved Matters application for the construction of Wichelstowe Pocket Square and Approach Path.Reserved Matters approved19/0500
S/ADV/19/0499PP-07731758Land Off Peglars Way And Land To The South-East Junction Of Mill Lane And Foxham Way, Wichelstowe, SwindonDisplay of various non-illuminated signage.Granted permission19/0499
S/ADV/19/0144PP-07136135The Deanery CE Academy Wichelstowe Swindon SN1 7DADisplay of various non-illuminated signage.Granted permission19/0144
S/LBC/19/0083PP-075513532 Westleaze Mill Lane Swindon SN1 7NU Change of use of barn to annexe to main residence, erection of external steps and dormer (amended proposal).Appeal dismissed19/0083
S/19/0082PP-075513532 Westleaze Mill Lane Swindon SN1 7NU Change of use of barn to annexe to main residence, erection of external steps and dormer (amended proposal).Appeal dismissed19/0082
S/COND/18/2074PP-07507645Northern Gateway Phase 1 Peglars Way Middle Wichel Wichelstowe SwindonDischarge of condition 35 (Construction Management Plan) from previous permission S/13/1524.Conditions discharged18/2074
S/AMEND/18/2032PP-07498520Wichelstowe Development Area Southern Town Development Swindon SwindonNon-Material Amendment (change to condition 24: Habitable Rooms Noise) following planning permission S/13/1524.Minor Amendment approved18/2032
S/AMEND/18/2028PP-07305124Hall And Woodhouse Peglars Way Swindon Swindon SN1 7DANon-Material Amendment to Reserved Matters application S/RES/17/0595 - Reserved matters pursuant to outline application S/13/1524 for the construction of a public house and attached hotel with associated car parking and landscaping.Minor Amendment approved18/2028
S/RES/18/1846Parcels 2 & 3 Middle Wichel Wichelstowe SwindonErection of 99no. dwellings & associated infrastructure - Reserved Matters from outline permission S/13/1524.Reserved Matters approved18/1846
S/RES/18/1844Parcel 1 Middle Wichel Mill Lane Wichelstowe SwindonErection of 109no. dwellings - Reserved Matters from previous outline permission S/13/1524.Granted permission18/1844
S/COND/18/1843Parcel 1 Middle Wichel Wichelstowe SwindonDischarge of conditions 15 (Foul Water drainage Strategy), 16 (Surface Water Drainage Strategy), 31 (Affordable Housing) and 35 (Construction Management Plan) from previous permission S/13/1524.Conditions discharged18/1843
S/COND/18/1842Parcels 2 & 3 Middle Wichel Wichelstowe SwindonDischarge of conditions 15 (Foul Water drainage Strategy), 16 (Surface Water Drainage Strategy), 31 (Affordable Housing) and 35 (Construction Management Plan) from previous permission S/13/1524.Conditions discharged18/1842
S/RES/18/1811PP-07153971Parcel 7 & 9 And Parcel 8B Middle Wichel District Centre Wichelstowe SwindonErection of 185no. retirement apartments, associated communal accommodation, parking and landscaped gardens - Reserved Matters from previous permission S/13/1524.Reserved Matters approved18/1811
S/COND/18/1795PP-07184445Parcels 7, 8B And 9 Middle Wichel District Centre Wichelstowe SwindonDischarge of conditions 15 and 16 following outline permission S/13/1524.Conditions discharged18/1795
S/ADV/18/1333PP-07193218Hall And Woodhouse Peglars Way Swindon Swindon SN1 7DADisplay of various signage.Granted permission18/1333
S/LBC/18/1305PP-071789782 Westleaze Mill Lane Swindon SN1 4HGChange of use of barn to annexe to main residence, erection of external steps and dormer, insertion of 4no. conservation rooflights and insertion of new doorway to rear.Permission refused18/1305
S/18/1304PP-071789782 Westleaze Mill Lane Swindon SN1 4HGChange of use of barn to annexe to main residence, erection of external steps and dormer, insertion of 4no. conservation rooflights and insertion of new doorway to rear.Permission refused18/1304
S/COND/18/1196PP-07130975Footbridge Middle Wichel District Centre Wichelstowe SwindonDischarge of condition 35 (Construction Management Plan) from previous permission S/13/1524.Conditions discharged18/1196
S/COND/18/1096PP-07087887Primary School Middle Wichel Wichelstowe SwindonDischarge of conditions 15 (Foul Water Drainage Strategy) and 16 (Surface Water Drainage Strategy) from previous permission S/13/1524 for the Southern Town Expansion.Conditions discharged18/1096
S/RES/18/1039PP-07008423Primary School Middle Wichel Wichelstowe SwindonReserved matters application for the erection of a primary school and nursery.Granted permission18/1039
S/PRIORC/18/0849Westleaze Farm Mill Lane Swindon SN1 7HGPrior Approval for proposed change of use of existing agricultural buildings to 2no. dwellings (Class C3).Prior Approval required and given18/0849
S/18/0804PP-06951502Westleaze Farm Mill Lane Swindon SN1 7HGNew access track.Granted permission18/0804
S/RES/18/0770PP-06937513Northern Gateway Phase 1 Wichelstowe Development Area SwindonLayout out of landscaping between Peglars Way and the existing Wilts and Berks Canal. Reserved Matters from previous permission S/13/1524.Reserved Matters approved18/0770
S/AMEND/18/0631PP-06854708Wichelstowe District Centre Middle Wichel Wichelstowe SwindonNon-material amendment to previous permission S/RES/16/2212 concerning change to tree species and paving type.Minor Amendment approved18/0631
S/AMEND/18/0576PP-06842304Canal Towpath Wichelstowe District Centre Middle Wichel SwindonNon-material amendment to previous permission SRES/17/0450 concerning lighting column spacing and installation of bollards.Minor Amendment approved18/0576
S/COND/18/0505PP-06835972The Deanery School Peglars Way Wichelstowe SwindonDischarge of condition 16 (Surface Water Drainage Strategy) from previous permission S/13/1524.Conditions discharged18/0505
S/COND/18/0325Hall & Woodhouse Peglars Way Swindon SN1 7DADischarge of condition 35 from previous permission S/13/1524 in relation to construction of public house and hotel (S/RES/17/0595).Conditions discharged18/0325
S/AMEND/18/0164PP-06681303Wichelstowe Development Area Southern Town Development Swindon SwindonNon-material amendment to previous permission S/13/1524 concerning tunnel and road realignment.Minor Amendment approved18/0164
S/AMEND/18/0127PP-06664024Parcels 2 & 3 Middle Wichel Wichelstowe SwindonNon-material amendment to previous permission S/RES/17/1548.Minor Amendment approved18/0127
S/COND/18/0088PP-06651879Wichelstowe District Centre Middle Wichel Wichelstowe SwindonDischarge of condition 35 (Construction Management Plan) from previous permission S/13/1524 in relation to phase 2 canal restoration works.Conditions discharged18/0088
S/COND/18/0076PP-06651796Middle Wichel District Centre Wichelstowe SwindonDischarge of condition 9 (Existing Vegetation Protection) from previous permission S/13/1524.Conditions discharged18/0076
S/COND/17/2083PP-06622801Footbridge Wichelstowe District Centre Middle Wichel SwindonDischarge of condition 16 (Surface Water Drainage) from previous permission S/13/1524 in association with S/RES/17/2082.Conditions discharged17/2083
S/RES/17/2082PP-06622519Footbridge Wichelstowe District Centre Middle Wichel SwindonConstruction of footbridge including balustrade, lighting and landing area.Reserved Matters approved17/2082
S/COND/17/2010PP-06596102Wichelstowe Development Area Southern Town Development Swindon SwindonDischarge of condition 16 (Surface Water Drainage) following planning permission S/13/1524.Conditions discharged17/2010
S/RES/17/2009PP-06596067Wichelstowe District Centre Wichelstowe Swindon SwindonFormation of public square and associated landscaping.Reserved Matters approved17/2009
S/COND/17/1959PP-06559679Wichelstowe District Centre Middle Wichel SwindonDischarge of condition 35 (Construction Management Plan) from previous outline application S/13/1524 for the construction of the community street.Conditions discharged17/1959
S/COND/17/1932PP-06550564Parcels 2 & 3 Wichelstowe Development Area Southern Town Development SwindonDischarge of condition 9 (Existing Vegetation Protection) from previous outline permission S/13/1524.Conditions discharged17/1932
S/RES/17/1709PP-06422399Western Receptor Site West Wichel Wichelstowe SwindonFormation of protected species habitat.Reserved Matters approved17/1709
S/COND/17/1678PP-06444931Parcels 2 And 3 Middle Wichel District Centre Wichelstowe SwindonDischarge of conditions 15 (Foul Water Drainage) and 16 (Surface Water Drainage) from Planning Permission S/13/1524.Conditions discharged17/1678
S/EIA/17/1645Wichelstowe Development Area Southern Town Development Swindon SwindonScreening Opinion for alterations relating to development with Outline Planning Permission S/02/2000.EIA not required17/1645
S/ADV/17/1597PP-06409100Land To The South East Of The Junction Between Mill Lane And Foxham Way SwindonDisplay of 2no. non-illuminated 4m. x 2m. 'V' signs.Granted permission17/1597
S/RES/17/1548PP-06371254Parcels 2 And 3 Middle Wichel Wichelstowe SwindonErection of 85no. dwellings and associated infrastructure. Reserved Matters from S/13/1524.Reserved Matters approved17/1548
S/COND/17/1518PP-06375147Wichelstowe District Centre Middle Wichel Wichelstowe Swindon WiltsDischarge of condition 35 following planning permission S/13/1524 for Southern Town Expansion including up to 4500 dwellings, employment, commercial, shopping, schools, open space, park and ride, roads, sewers and associated works (Variation of extent of infrastructure, phasing and affordable housing, upon S/TIME/13/1521 by the Local Planning Authority, conditions 1, 62, 66 & 67, 73, 76 - 79, 82, 85, 88 - 90, 93 and 95 - 97).Conditions discharged17/1518
S/COND/17/1042PP-06163683Wichelstowe Development Area Southern Town Development Swindon SwindonDischarge of condition 35 (Construction Management Plan) following planning permission S/13/1524.Conditions partially discharged17/1042
S/COND/17/0988PP-06138816Wichelstowe Secondary School Site Middle Wichel District Centre Wichelstowe Swindon SN1 7NUDischarge of condition 9: Tree removal from planning permission S/13/1524.Conditions discharged17/0988
S/17/0804PP-06008217Westleaze Farm Mill Lane Swindon SN1 7HGConversion of barns to 1no. dwelling.Granted permission17/0804
S/AMEND/17/0596PP-05956483Public House & Hotel Site Wichelstowe District Centre Middle Wichel Wichelstowe Development Area SwindonNon-material amendment condition 28 (opening hours) from previous permission S/13/1524 for Wichelstowe Development.Minor Amendment approved17/0596
S/RES/17/0595PP-05925871Land At Foxham Way Middle Wichel Wichelstowe Swindon WiltsReserved matters pursuant to outline application S/13/1524 for the construction of a public house and attached hotel with associated car parking and landscaping.Reserved Matters approved17/0595
S/COND/17/0594PP-05922391Public House And Hotel Site Wichelstowe District Centre Middle Wichel Wichelstowe Development Area SwindonDischarge of conditions 15 (foul water drainage strategy) and 16 (surface water drainage strategy) from previous permission S/13/1524 for Wichelstowe development.Conditions discharged17/0594
S/COND/17/0519PP-05932879Secondary School Site Middle Wichel Wichelstowe Development Area SwindonSecondary School Site Middle Wichel Wichelstowe Development Area SwindonConditions discharged17/0519
S/RES/17/0464PP-05831064Secondary School Site Middle Wichel Wichelstowe Swindon WiltsReserved Matters application following outline application S/13/1524 for Southern Town Expansion including up to 4500 dwellings, employment, commercial, shopping, schools, open space, park and ride, roads, sewers and associated works. All matters reserved.Reserved Matters approved17/0464
S/COND/17/0453PP-05903534Wichelstowe District Centre Middle Wichel Wichelstowe Development Area SwindonDischarge of condition 16 (surface water drainage) from previous permission S/13/1524 for the Southern Town Expansion.Conditions discharged17/0453
S/RES/17/0450PP-05902807Wichelstowe District Centre Middle Wichel Wichelstowe Development Area SwindonRestoration of canal section - Reserved Matters from previous permission S/13/1524.Granted permission17/0450
S/COND/17/0289PP-05569716Secondary School Site Middle Wichel District Centre Wichelstowe Development Area SwindonDischarge of condition 9 (regarding trees and hedgerows) from previous permission S/13/1524.Conditions discharged17/0289
S/COND/17/0125PP-05767887Wichelstowe District Centre Wichelstowe Development Area Southern Town Development SwindonDischarge of conditions 9 (Canal Hedgerow Removal Statement) and 36 (Wichelstowe Rights of Way Method Statement) from previous permission S/13/1524 for the Southern Town Expansion.Conditions discharged17/0125
S/HOU/17/0027PP-05727787Mill House Mill Lane Swindon SN1 4NUErection of a two storey annex with single storey connection and remodelling of existing dwelling.Granted permission17/0027
S/COND/16/2214PP-05720410Wichelstowe District Centre Highway Infrastructure Wichelstowe Development Area Southern Town Development SwindonDischarge of conditions 15 (Foul Water Drainage Strategy) & 16 (Surface Water Drainage Strategy) from previous permission S/13/1524 for the Wichelstowe Development.Conditions discharged16/2214
S/RES/16/2212PP-05718821Wichelstowe Development Area Southern Town Development SwindonConstruction of Wichelstowe District Centre highway infrastructure - Reserved Matters from previous permission S/13/1524.Reserved Matters approved16/2212
S/COND/16/2192PP-05714221Wichelstowe Development Area Southern Town Development Swindon SwindonDischarge of condition 32 (Affordable Housing Mechanism) from previous permission S/13/1524 for the Southern Town Expansion including up to 4500 dwellings, employment, commercial, shopping, schools, open space, park and ride, roads, sewers and associated works.Conditions discharged16/2192
S/COND/16/2165PP-05704871Wichelstowe District Centre, Middle Wichel, Wichelstowe Development Area, SwindonDischarge of conditions 5 (Subsections) and 6 (Design Codes) of Planning Permission S/13/1524 - Southern Town Expansion including up to 4500 dwellings, employment, commercial, shopping, schools, open space, park and ride, roads, sewers and associated works.Conditions discharged16/2165
S/COND/16/1842PP-05569728Secondary School Site Middle Wichel Wichelstowe Development Area Swindon WiltsDischarge of condition 22 (Archaeology) following planning application S/13/1524 for the Southern Town Expansion including up to 4500 dwellings, employment, commercial, shopping, schools, open space, park and ride, roads, sewers and associated works.Conditions partially discharged16/1842
S/COND/16/1504PP-05408087Wichelstowe Development Area Southern Town Development Swindon SwindonDischarge of conditions 22 (Archaeology), 23 (Noise Bund) & 48 (Mill Lane Closure) from previous permission S/13/1524 for the Southern Town Expansion including up to 4500 dwellings, employment, commercial, shopping, schools, open space, park and ride, roads, sewers and associated works.Conditions discharged16/1504
S/ADV/15/2060PP-04694313Waitrose Ltd Mill Lane Swindon SN1 7BXInstallation of new 7 No. signage banners to the canal side of store.Granted permission15/2060
S/15/2059PP-04694313Waitrose Ltd Mill Lane Swindon SN1 7BXInstallation of new outdoor seating to the canal side of store and associated works.Granted permission15/2059
S/LBC/15/1495PP-044738832 Westleaze Mill Lane Swindon SN1 7NUChange of use of barn to annexe for ancillary accommodation to main residence.Granted permission15/1495
S/COND/15/0682PP-04138122Wilts And Berks Canal Mill Lane Swindon SN1 7BXDischarge of conditions 3 and 5 from Planning Permission S/14/1437 - Construction of canal landing stage and associated footpath. 15/0682
S/LBC/15/0551PP-040865702 Westleaze Mill Lane Swindon SN1 7NUChange of use of barn to annexe for ancillary accommodation to main residence.Permission refused15/0551
S/15/0550PP-040865702 Westleaze Mill Lane Swindon SN1 7NUChange of use of barn to annexe for ancillary accommodation to main residence.Granted permission15/0550
S/COND/14/1981PP-03786771Wichelstowe Development Area Southern Town Development Swindon SwindonDischarge of conditions 7 & 17 from previous permission S/13/1524 for Southern Town Expansion including up to 4500 dwellings, employment, commercial, shopping, schools, open space, park and ride, roads, sewers and associated works (Variation of extent of infrastructure, phasing and affordable housing, upon S/TIME/13/1521 by the Local Planning Authority, conditions 1, 62, 66 & 67, 73, 76 - 79, 82, 85, 88 - 90, 93 and 95 - 97).Conditions discharged14/1981
S/14/1437PP-03527814Wilts And Berks Canal Mill Lane Swindon SN1 7BXConstruction of canal landing stage and associated footpath.Granted permission14/1437
S/ADV/14/0395PP-03237583Waitrose Foodstore Wichelstowe District Centre Middle Wichel Mill Lane Swindon SN1 7BXInstallation of 6no. signs.Granted permission14/0395
S/COND/14/0217Waitrose Ltd Mill Lane Swindon SN1 7BXDischarge of conditions 53, 54 & 72 from previous permission S/RES/13/0485 for the erection of a foodstore and associated works - Reserved matters from previous outline permission S/02/2000.Conditions partially discharged14/0217
S/COND/13/1802Land Off Mill Lane And Foxham Way District Centre Middle Wichel Wichelstowe Swindon WiltshireDischarge of conditions following planning permission S/RES/13/0485 for the erection of a foodstore and associated works - Reserved matters from previous outline permission S/02/2000.Conditions partially discharged13/1802
S/AMEND/13/1529Land Off Mill Lane And Foxham Way District Centre Middle Wichel Wichelstowe Swindon WiltshireNon - material amendment to previous permissions S/RES/13/0485 & S/AMEND/13/1288 for the erection of a foodstore and associated works - Reserved matters from previous outline permission S/02/2000.Minor Amendment approved13/1529
S/13/1524Land To The West Of Croft Road And North And South Of M4, Swindon, Wiltshire (now Known As Wichelstowe).Southern Town Expansion including up to 4500 dwellings, employment, commercial, shopping, schools, open space, park and ride, roads, sewers and associated works (Variation of extent of infrastructure, phasing and affordable housing, upon the renewal of the said planning permission (S/02/2000) by the Local Planning Authority, conditions 1, 62, 66 & 67, 73, 76 - 79, 82, 85, 88 - 90 and 95 - 97).Granted permission13/1524
S/TIME/13/1521Land To The West Of Croft Road And North And South Of M4, Swindon, Wiltshire (now Known As Wichelstowe).Extension of time to previous permission S/02/2000 for the southern town expansion including up to 4500 dwellings, employment, commercial, shopping, schools, open space, park and ride, roads, sewers and associated works.Granted permission13/1521
S/13/1506Land Off Mill Lane And Foxham Way District Centre Middle Wichel Wichelstowe Swindon WiltshireErection of a foodstore and associated works - Reserved matters from previous outline permission S/02/2000 (Variation of Condition 2 of S/RES/13/0485)Granted permission13/1506
S/COND/13/1249PP-02858312Southern Town Development Foxham Way Swindon SwindonDischarge of condition 44 for previous application S/02/2000 Application for Southern Town Expansion including up to 4500 dwellings, employment, commercial, shopping, schools, open space, park and ride, roads, sewers and associated works.Conditions discharged13/1249
S/AMEND/13/1169Southern Town Development Foxham Way SwindonNon-material amendment to previous permission S/02/2000 for Southern Town Expansion including up to 4500 dwellings, employment, commercial, shopping, schools, open space, park and ride, roads, sewers and associated works.Minor Amendment approved13/1169
S/RES/13/0485PP-02507634Land Off Mill Lane And Foxham Way District Centre Middle Wichel Wichelstowe Swindon WiltshireErection of a foodstore and associated works - Reserved matters from previous outline permission S/02/2000Reserved Matters approved13/0485
S/13/0337Land To The West Of Croft Road And North And South Of M4, Swindon, Wiltshire (now Known As Wichelstowe).Request for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Scoping Opinion for proposed development.EIA Scoping Opinion13/0337
S/COND/13/0150PP-02445065Wichelstowe, SwindonDischarge of condition 23 (partial) from previous permission S/02/2000 for southern town expansion including up to 4500 dwellings, employment, commercial, shopping, schools, open space, park and ride, roads, sewers and associated works.Conditions partially discharged13/0150
S/COND/12/1706PP-02319705Wichelstowe District Centre Land Off Foxham Way (Known As Middle Wichel) South Swindon.Discharge of condition 3 from previous permission S/02/2000 for the Southern Town Expansion; including up to 4500 dwellings, employment, commercial, shopping, schools, openspace, park and ride, roads, sewers and associated works on land to the west of Croft Road, SwindonConditions discharged12/1706
S/RES/12/1124Land Near Mill Lane Wichelstowe Swindon Wiltshire SN1 4HPLandscaping works to include the construction of an ecological receptor site - Reserved Matters from previous permission S/02/2000.Reserved Matters approved12/1124
S/COND/12/1019Middle And West Wichel Wichelstowe Swindon WiltshireDischarge of conditions from Planning Permission S/02/2000.Conditions discharged12/1019
S/RES/12/0682Land At Wichelstowe Swindon WiltsPhase1 Earthworks -Reserved Matters from previous permission S/02/2000 (Landscape).Reserved Matters approved12/0682
S/RES/10/0910Land To The North West Of South Leaze Farm Southleaze Mannington Swindon SN1 4NTReserved matters application for previous permission S/SP/09/2020 - erection of footbridge over railway line between Wichelstowe and west Swindon.Reserved Matters approved10/0910
S/SP/09/2020Land To The North West Of South Leaze Farm Southleaze Mannington Swindon WiltshireOutline application for the construction of a footbridge over the railway line to facilitate pedestrian access between Wichelstowe and housing/ employment areas to the west of Swindon - Access Not Reserved.Granted permission09/2020
S/RES/09/1729PP-00839916Wichelstowe Development Area Southern Town Development Swindon SwindonErection of a gas governor compound - Reserved Matters from previous permission S/02/2000.Granted permission09/1729
S/RES/08/1284Wichelstowe Development Area Southern Town Development Swindon SwindonErection of an electricity sub-station - Reserved Matters from previous permission S/02/2000.Reserved Matters approved08/1284
S/RES/08/1263Wichelstowe Development Area Southern Town Development Swindon SwindonErection of an electricity sub-station & gas governor - Reserved Matters from previous permission S/02/2000.Permission refused08/1263
S/COND/08/1245Southern Development Area Swindon WiltshireDischarge of conditions from previous permission S/02/2000 - Wharf Road to Hay Lane Link (Wichelstowe).Conditions discharged08/1245
S/02/2000The Front Garden Croft Road Swindon WiltsApplication for Southern Town Expansion including up to 4500 dwellings, employment, commercial, shopping, schools, open space, park and ride, roads, sewers and associated works.Granted permission02/2000

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