Car and bicycle parking in Wichelstowe

Public parking near Canalside

The ‘Wichelstowe Design Code’ — part of the planning permission for Wichelstowe — imposes restrictions beyond those normal in most housing developments. This includes restrictions designed to reduce the impact of cars on the area and its surroundings.

As part of this, there is a greater emphasis than in other recent housing developments around Swindon on provision for cycle parking and less on car parking.

The Canalside area of Wichelstowe will be served by two main car parks. One — already built — is at the Waitrose store. The other, smaller, car park will be to the west of the two schools.

Bicycle parking is available outside Waitrose and on Peglars Way near to the footbridge over the canal.

This page updated Sunday, 26 November 2023. © most rights reserved. Contact us at .

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